The Hebrew Hammer VS Hitler Crodwfunding Campaign begins on Monday …

Getting very excited. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the synagogue … 

My next spot for Red Mango is now in pre-production …

It's called 'Fall,' and if we pull it off, Red Mango frozen yogurt might give you low-calorie yet tasty goose bumps. 

The 2012 Olympia opening film is now up …

The 2012 Olympia Opening Film is on its way to Las Vegas …

… Technically, it’s being uploaded — but doesn’t it sound cooler the old fashioned way? We are incredibly proud of the work, and are excited for its screening next weekend for 8,000 folks.  Best of luck to all the athletes and a special thank you to Kai Greene for his work on the film! 

The Red Mango spot we did is up …

The Red Mango Honey Badger … Stay tuned for my next conspiracy with Red Mango …

The WMC is working on a new TeeVee show …

Josh Cooke and I have partnered with Entertainment One Television for a new TV program. Can’t tell you more about it yet. So, shhhh? 

Commercial Conspiracy Update

I am proud to announce two of my latest conspiracies:  1) We are in the process of making the opening jumbotron film for this years Mr. Olympia Event in Las Vegas, NV2) The WMC has partnered with Red Mango and working on some fun stuff coming to the Interwebs near you. JK  

Sexy Daddy – The Uncircumcised Cut 

WARNING: NOT SAFE FOR WORK, NOT SAFE FOR CHILDREN, & ESPECIALLY NOT SAFE FOR THE EASILY OFFENDED. SEXY DADDY – THE UNCIRCUMCISED VERSION As promised, here is the 6 minute short film the way Nature, Kevin, Dave, and I intended. God was firmly against the intention, but ultimately lost out 4-1.   If you’ve ever been curious about…

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Sexy Daddy Premiere Date!

I am thrilled to announce that May 18th will be the premiere date for Sexy Daddy on The short film was written by Kevin McDonald and Dave Foley of The Kids In The Hall and stars Dave Foley, Rob Benedict, and Alexie Gilmore.

M&F Episode 3 is live

The Avengers Premiere in NYC 

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