SEXY DADDY – THE UNCIRCUMCISED VERSION As promised, here is the 6 minute short film the way Nature, Kevin, Dave, and I intended. God was firmly against the intention, but ultimately lost out 4-1.
If you’ve ever been curious about what a latex fetish looks like, and/or feel the Vatican hasn’t been taken to task lately, we think you’ll love the film.
This Cut of the film is approximately 6 minutes in length.
Starring: Rob Benedict, Alexie Gilmore, and Dave Foley
Written by: Kevin McDonald and Dave Foley
Directed by: Jonathan Kesselman
Produced by: Pyongson Yim and Jonathan Kesselman
Executive Producer: Sean Boyle
Co-Producer: Paul Kropfl
Co-Producer: Mark Hubatsek
Associate Producer: Martha Tuber
Director Of Photography: Mark Hubatsek
Editor: Mike Mezzina
Production Designer: Avery Sorrels
Sound Design: David Bondelevitch
Composers: Michael Cohen & Mocean Worker
Visual Effects/Graphics: C. Brent Ferguson
1st Assistant Director: Matthew Slamowitz
Makeup: Alex Guffey & Lindsay Cullen
Gaffer: Hemant Tavathia
D.I.T: Ryan Savini
Sound Recording: Jake Magher
Boom Op: Rainer Evans
Production Assistants: Emily Bogue, Adam Bildersee, Joshua Paige, Nugent Cantileno
Locations Provided By: Neal & Judy Stevens, Greko Chemoul (Le French Diner)