The selection list was incredibly long.
Check it out HERE.
Apparently we beat out ‘Yentl’ by a hair (or a nose…?).
I’ve always wanted to clarify something. And before I do, yes, I’m a tad bit, what’s the word I’m looking for…
Okay, so in the Skinhead Bar scene in which the Hammer yells out his now semi-immortal battle cry, ‘Shabbat Shalom, Motherfuckers!,’ there is a joke that involves a jukebox.
In the film I made and was released in theatres, the song that he chooses is ‘Feelings,’ by Morris Albert.
Somehow, when the elements were delivered to Paramount Home Video for the DVD, a song that I had tried and thrown out in the editing process found its way back into my movie; ‘Roll Out those Lazy, Hazy, Days Of Summer.’ I always hated that song – it never got a laugh, and ‘Feelings’ always killed with audiences.
What’s my point you ask? Not one, really. It was an honest mistake by an honest guy on my post team, but I still think about that at least once a week. A big laugh in my film was killed, and it still kills me years later. So, from now on, if you ever watch that scene, please hum ‘Feelings’ in your head instead.
Thank you, and now I must go and breathe deeply. 😉