Clarification On Page 6 Piece Today Regarding Val Kilmer…

So, I’m in LA on business, and I woke up this AM to about 20 emails in my box and a number of Voicemails regarding a piece that the NY Post’s ‘Page 6’ ran today about Val Kilmer’s supposed involvement in the Hebrew Hammer VS. Hitler. I have no idea how and why this even got into Page 6, but I’d like to officially comment.

Val Kilmer was never officially attached to play Hitler. A third party was involved in discussions with Val, and I have never met Val mysef. But yes, for a short while, Val had expressed interest in playing Adolf Hitler. However, Val did not drop out due to “cold feet” as rumored in Page 6. Rather, he booked successive films back to back (the man is an A-list actor for God sakes!!) and we are still in the process of finalizing the money to make the film. Long story short – the timing wasn’t right. 

I’d also like to say that I’ve noticed that Page 6, Gawker, and a number of other  sites seem to have a strange negative fixation on Val Kilmer, and I find it both petty and mean.

Val Kilmer is one of the most talented and versatile film actors out there, and I was honored that he had even expressed interest in my project. I would one day love to get the opportunity to work with him.


Posted on August 15, 2007 in Uncategorized

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